“The earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s needs but not any one’s greed” - Mahatma Gandhi
In this age of easy gratification, reflect on the times you’ve spent trying to find happiness after acquiring something material. Was that expensive watch or mobile worth the wait? Did you become happy after getting it, only to feel like your happiness returned to its usual level after some time? Did those trendy shoes you bought to make you happy leave you with a hole in your pocket, adding to your already large collection?
The main thing to understand is that material possessions, even if they bring you happiness for a short time, do not provide long-term satisfaction. They offer only a temporary switch to happiness. This is primarily due to the hedonic adaptation tendency we have. This means your happiness level decreases or returns to its normal state after a brief period of joy from a major acquisition.
We should try to reduce our material cravings by buying only the things we need, instead of buying everything we see in the market. You don’t need to have everything. If you feel your worth depends on wearing a particular brand or owning a specific expensive item to show off, then you don’t truly value yourself. Money and things should not be the way you prioritize your life.
It’s easy to get caught up in the web of materialism, so how can one escape it? Escaping materialism is simple: focus only on acquiring what you actually need, rather than accumulating a lot of the same things. Focus on your needs and wants. A need is something essential to your survival, while a want is something you can live without. Simplify your life by buying and keeping only what you need. Try to declutter your life and minimize your purchases.
Practice gratitude for what you already have. You don’t need the best material possessions—the best car, the best mobile, or the best watch. Instead, try to maintain the best outlook on life, see the positive in everything, and cultivate the best attitude. There is no greater happiness than sharing what you have.
Value experiences more than things. Find happiness in doing things you enjoy, rather than becoming greedy over objects.
Always value people for who they are, rather than valuing them for the material attachments they possess. Genuine people who care about you will value you for being yourself.
Remember, true happiness lies in simplicity and being your true self.